I took a break from writing my blog. It seems like I did so just yesterday. More than a year later, this is my first post back. I have tons of excuses, most of them dealing with me not having time, but I'm just going to keep them to myself. I'm also not going to make promises about being on here more regularly. But I am back.
And I'm using this post to congratulate my good friend Amalia, (most of you know her) who is going to be published!
What most of you don't know is that Amalia and I have known each other for a long time. We went to college together--took a writing class together--studied Latin together. And as we've grown away from our college years, I've watched as her writing has grown more honed, more concise, and more beautiful (don't get me wrong--it was great to begin with!). She's creative, clever, and has worked hard for this. Please, hop on over to her blog and give her the virtual high-five, hug or other acknowledgement you believe in. She totally deserves this.
Amalia is an inspiration to me, and keeps me thinking and hoping that someday I might have some form of success, too. She makes me want to apply myself more, and keeps me linked to the world of writing and blogging, the latter especially a world which I feel often eludes me. She makes it seem so easy! I always feel like I have nothing to share. Or, when I do have something to share, I write it out in my head--and then forget to pour out the words. She just writes it right away, and her voice comes through all of her work.
So, cheers, Amalia...I'm so proud of you. Way to go....I can't wait to get a copy of your book!
Sarah :)