Friday, September 3, 2010

Haiku! Don't you?

I was quickly commenting on my friend Amalia T.'s blog, when I saw that she had posted a winning haiku in Stephanie Thornton's totally awesome Haiku blogfest! What the heck? How did I miss this! I'm not poet--not at all, though I wrote a totally awesome, rhyme-contrived poem for my dad one year, entitled "Mr. Fix-It." Don't expect it to ever hit this blog.

So, I entered my name just now, and came up with this.

I just shook your hand.
I wish I knew why I can't
kiss your palm, instead.

And suddenly was like, "Ooooh! Haikus are fun!"

So, I think I'm going to do a few more. Read what you want. Take part! Have fun, is all. And it's for two days! Score!

Haikus, I think, are
Sweet as thick, orange marmalade.
But beware! They bite!

Ich liebe dich, he sighed.
I gazed at him and whispered,
"I do not speak French."

She walked into wind
And fog, and snow, and ice, but
She danced in the rain.

She longed for a frog,
But soon found that a true friend
makes for a better prince.

Okay! I am done
For now, at least, with this fun
..Till I think of more.


Roland D. Yeomans said...

Ich liebe dich, he sighed.
I gazed at him and whispered,
"I do not speak French."

LOL. I really, truly liked that one. Even though I was racing off to work, I had to thank you for that one. Roland

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

These are great and really fun! You have wonderful twists in them. My favorite is dancing in the rain, cuz I'd like that. I'm so glad you joined the fest at the last minute.

Anonymous said...

These were all great, but the "I do not speak French" was particularly good. I laughed on that one. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Those are so much fun!

Love the "French" one :)

Franklin Beaumont said...

Well you really went beyond the call of duty. You really have a knack for the form; I especially liked the first, and the aforementioned French one. Well done.

Viridian Green said...

Oh these are great fun! LOL I loved them, you make haiku seem so easy! (and we know they're not!)

Kelsey (Dominique) Ridge said...

These haikus made me smile. I particularly like the one about not speaking French. :)

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

I too, like the german one, even though you had 6 in the first line instead of 5. My favorite is the one about the rain.

Amalia Dillin said...


I loved the Frog one. And the dance in the rain one! And the I don't speak French one! I am, in fact, totally jealous of your haiku mastery!

Just Another Sarah said...

Thanks, everyone! I see the German (or French? :) ) one is the favorite...although Wendy caught that I erred on this, and made it one bit too long. So, since that all-knowing source Wikipedia (with a grain of salt) informs me it's okay to have it not be 5-7-5, as i worked so hard to form, I will change that to:

Ich liebe dich, he sighed.
I gazed at him and whispered,
"I don't speak French."

Crisis averted.

Thank you all for your kind and wonderful comments!! Oh, I think I might have some more for tomorrow. I didn't know how much I loved writing Haikus till just now!

Unknown said...

Fun! I love all of these. The first one especially has such a sweet thought but you give some great surprise endings in the others too!

Nate Wilson said...

I don't speak French, either, so I have know idea what he whispered.

Excellent entries, all! (Particularly that one, and dancing in the rain.)

Anassa said...

I liked these! Stories
bite-sized and funny. You sure
you're not a poet?

VR Barkowski said...

These are all so clever, Sarah. Ich liebe dich was hysterical, but I really loved the frog/prince haiku. That is my idea of true romance.